South African Sunset, Kruger National Park, June 2008

South African Sunset, Kruger National Park, June 2008
Sunsets...the older I get, the more I enjoy them.


I have set this blog up to show the posts in the order they were written so that it appears (and reads) more like a journal rather than a blog. That also makes it appear that I never add anything to it. That is not the case.


March 3, 2010

Here we go again...

The planning has begun. We have gotten in touch with our travel agent and the wheels are in motion. Time to start perusing all those websites and taking a look through these:

The boys seem to be taking a more active role, too. Right off the bat they insisted on keeping the duration of the trip down to no more than 14 days. They also are showing signs of being interested in which side excursions we should include.

I don't know if it's a result of being more mature and knowledgeable or if they are learning that just saying, "whatever" sometimes results in getting things that you really wish you hadn't gotten.